Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Plunge

Well, I am taking the plunge. I have wanted to try blogging for quite awhile, but haven't been sure I have anything noteworthy to say....but the worst that can happen is.... no one reads it but me- and that's okay too. I have been terrible at writing in a journal, but this might work instead.

So here goes at the end of first blog. Yaya is what my grandchildren call me. It is such a delight to hear them. What I didn't realize is that Yaya is one of the first sounds they can make as they form words. An added bonus...not to take away from their other grandmothers.

Doodles comes from my need to create. Creating things has been an outlet for me as long as I can remember. I have cross stitched many an item, of which I have only a few in my home. I stopped cross stiching when my children were too old and too numerous to allow me to concentrate. I used to tole paint and keep hoping to return to that someday.....but it has been about 11 years since I have done more than a piece or too, so it is beginning to be doubtful. Sewing has always been a daily or at least now, a weekly occurance. Quilting is something I keep close at hand as well. Making quilts for my grandchildren keeps me busy. I have a personal goal of having one of my handmade quilts on every bed in my house. I have one done. I have two baby quilts to make this year, so probably won't happen anytime soon. I have had some items for sale on Etsy for the past year and have had a little success. Etsy is such a large site, however, everything gets lost. One of my goals for this blog other than a new creative outlet, is to offer some of my "Doodles" for interested buyers.

This should do for my first entry! Have a great day!

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